SB DX @ ARRL $ARLD016 ARLD016 DX news QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 16 ARLD016 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT April 2, 1993 To all radio amateurs Thanks to Bob, W5KNE; QRZ DX; Mariano, LU4EJ; and the Radio Club Del Sur, LW3DSR, items in thiletin. UGANDA, 5X. Bruno, 5X1A, and Jim, 5X1B, have been very active over the past week. 5X1A requests cards be sent directly to Box 3316, Kampala, Uganda. DO NOT QSL via DL0MAR. Cards for 5X1B go to Jim H. Brandenburg, American Embassy Kampala, Department of State, Washington, DC 20521 USA. And that's not all. Paul, WF5T, and James, N3JCL, will be operating as 5X1XB and 5X1XA, respectively, from April 27 through May 12. They will be active on CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL SSB contacts via N3JCL and CW/RTTY QSOs via WF5T. GHANA, 9G. The Dutch DAGOE Foundation operation is now active signing 9G1AA. Look for their CW on 1832, 3505, 7005, 10105, 14020, 18075, 21020, 24900 and 28020 kHz. For SSB, check 1840, 3645/3775/3795, 7045/7080, 14195, 18125, 21295, 24940 and 28395 kHz. Read their RTTY on 14090, 21090 and 28090 kHz. The group will listen for USA stations on 75 and 40 meters on 3800/3810 and 7175/7200 kHz. QSL to Wim Faasen, PA2FAS, Weeskinderendijk 81, 3314 CM Dordrecht, The Netherlands. SOUTHERN SUDAN, ST0. A deteriorating situation here may end up in separate independent republics. A conference is planned for sometime in April or May to work out the details of the transition. John, PA3CXC, will be monitoring the situation and will be active again on all bands if his work schedule permits. ALAND ISLANDS, OH0. A group of Finnish operators will activate Brando Island (IOTA EU-002) from April 3 through 10. The ops on this effort are Pete, OH3NE as OH0/OH3NE; Pertti, OH3LQK as OH0LQK; Jukka, OH3NLP as OH0NLP; Pete, OH3MEP as OH0MEP; Alpo, OH3MFP as OH0MFP; and Marko, OH3MYD as OH0MYD. QSL via each operator's home call sign or to Box 179, 33101 Tampere, Finland, with cards for different operators in the same envelope. AN ELITE GROUP GAINS A NEW MEMBER. Congrats to SM7BAE for qualifying for Two Meter DXCC Number 3. AN IOTA FIRST. Members of the Radio Club Del Sur will be signing L1DSR from Bermejo Island, IOTA SA-021, from April 2 through 4. This will be the first time this island has been activated by radio amateurs. For CW, check 10 kHz up from the band edge. For SSB, try 3690, 7090, 14190, 21290, 28590 and 50110 kHz. There may be some 6 meter CW work and FM on 29000 kHz. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The annual Spring QRP ARCI CW QSO Party is on from 1200z April 3 through 2400z April 4. You owe it to yourself to give this contest a try with the gain way down. The SP DX Contest, CW, runs from 1500z April 3 through 2300z April 4. Check 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters for this one. The kick off for the ARRL VHF/UHF Spring Sprints is Monday night, April 5, from 7 to 11pm local time on 144 MHz. More information on all three activities can be found on page 110 of March 1993 QST. See you in the test. /EX